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How to Transform Your Home into a Smart Home with Bergey’s

How to transform your home into a smart home with Bergey's

How to transform your home into a smart home with Bergey's

Bergey’s has made running a smart home easier and more interesting. The options are limitless when it comes to controlling your home’s comfort and safety. Here are several tips on how our professionals help you make the transition from traditional to smart home.

Install Smart Thermostats

A smart thermostat is designed to increase or decrease the home’s temperature automatically. This thermostat has presets that control the days and times when the air conditioner turns on or off. Users decide which rooms and sections receive cooling. Many will contact a qualified HVAC specialist in Montgomery County (or anywhere else in our service area) to install zoning systems.

Smart thermostats have countless features to choose from. Choose a low temperature for the living room, a high temperature for the kitchen, etc. During the day, turn the A/C off downstairs while maintaining cool temperatures upstairs. Additional features include WiFi connectivity that connects to the Internet and mobile devices in locations other than your home. This feature makes it possible to manage your air conditioning from any location in the world.

Install Smart Wall Outlets

Everyone worries about excessively high electricity costs. Appliances that are plugged into a standard wall outlet consume large amounts of electricity, even when the appliances are not in use. A smart wall outlet has automatic timers and switches that work at preset dates and times. Remotely, anyone can turn the appliances on or off using a remote, phone app or laptop.

24/7 Service

A smart home is fully automated every day and all day long. Even so, a smart home is more energy efficient than a non-automated one. Homeowners use automated features to control when and how long certain systems and appliances consume electricity. They can turn off lights in rooms that are unused or turn on the air conditioner every weekday afternoon. Smart homeowners perform a hundred different tasks automatically without having to lift a finger.

Smart Video Doorbells

The doorbells on standard homes are not equipped with videos or microphones. In contrast, smart homes have the safest designs in modern home construction. The advanced security systems include:

Smart doorbells are attached to smart locks that lock automatically when suspicious individuals or activities are found. Near the doorbell are cameras that provide video monitoring. Homeowners are able to watch every person who enters and exits the house.

A smart home is a complex machine that takes many steps to complete. Once it’s finished, it runs all on its own with little input from its owner. Bergey’s is willing to work with an HVAC Doylestown provider to fully automate your heating, cooling and ventilation systems. We are available to install security lighting, alarms and any other system that protects your house.

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